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Hunan Puqi Geologic Exploration Equipment Institute and Hunan Puqi Water Environment Research Institute were established in May 2006; Puqi Institutes mainly engaged in the research and development of the following areas: geophysical exploration, pipeline network loss reduction, disaster prevention and mitigation, earthquake warning, ground penetrating communication, smart pipeline and life searching.

In recent years, a total of hundreds of millions of yuan has been invested in research and development of scientific research projects and the construction of talent teams. Adhering to the strategic goal of "invigorating science and technology and strengthening talents", Puqi Institute cooperated and established a long-term cooperative relationship with many national scientific research institutions, colleges & universities, and undertaken a great number of national scientific research projects. Puqi Institute jointly established the "13th Five-Year National Water Special R&D Base" with Harbin Institute of Technology; jointly established the "Industry-University-Research Strategic Innovation Cooperation Base" with Hunan University of Science and Technology; set up the “Practice Base for Industry, University and Research” with Changsha University.


  • Од 2020

    Пуќи прогласи повеќе од 300 национални патенти и софтверски авторски права.

  • во 2019

    Пуќи ја освои втората награда на Наградата за напредок на науката и технологијата во провинцијата Хунан.

  • во 2018

    Пуќи беше доделена како компанија за „набљудување на договорите и нагласување на кредибилитетот“ од провинцијата Хунан и градската управа на Чангша. Производите на Puqi се извезени во 108 земји.

  • во 2017

    Формиран е Индустриски-Универзитет-Истражувачки иновативен фонд Puqi.

  • во 2016

    Puqi беше наведен на списокот на брендови на CCTV.


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